Sunday, 22 April 2007

Run to Camp Rankor

Well, as we found out last weekend, the run from Beacons Perch to Camp Rankor is a little bit on the tough side. If you can biggerise the map to the left you'll see marked with an X the point we got to after about 45 minutes of playing, barely a quarter of the journey to the next waypoint. Next time we go for this, we'll have to arrange to meet at a time when we can all be on for longer to complete the run. At the rate we were going, we'll probably need 2 hours or so to get there.

I might be available next weekend for a while, however, the weekend after that, I'll be flying to South America, and will definitely not be logging on to play for the next 3 weekends. The 26th/27th of May is the next time I'm likely to be free to play for a long period for this sort of run. Is anyone else keen to set a date for running to Camp Rankor? We can obviously talk about it closer to the time.

In other news, this weekend there are double Sunspear points available for those running in Elona, check the login page for details.

Catch yas all later!


UPDATE: More info on the "Droknar Run"
I can't believe that they reckon it'll only take 20 minutes to do it.
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Anonymous said...

Oh my god, i didn't realise how far we had to go.

I am up for this as there is a boss with an elite skill I am after.

CodeMonkey said...

It's not as bad as I originally thought, I hadn't noticed Camp Rankor on the map when I first looked and thought we had to go even further.
I think it's going to have to be when I get back from Peru though.
Oh, and I captured my first skill this weekend! Searing Heat.

Doc_curses said...

Hey you know me always up for group activities. Count me in.