My Name is Lillith Darkholm, I was born in Tyria, a Year ago today and have travelled around 80% of my home land. I have also enjoyed jaunts to deserts of Elona and the warren of streets and alleys that make up Cantha. I enjoy questing alone or with Amsorn Redstorm, Chareeth Erizan or the other officers of the guild. I also Love to beat up on the Luxons and have a hankering for a guild battle.
My interests include:
Raising the Dead, Designing Capes, Travel, Monitoring the Guild, My pet Wolf Spunky, Origami and Dancing the Monster Mash.
I share the views of Amsorn Redstorm when it comes to new members - I will be happy to help out either as a body guard, a runner, a bank or as a shop. For some reason I keep all the junk I salvage with no real reason other than to pass on to the needy.
As for the guild itself I can not take full credit for it. I was an Officer in the guild and then somehow inherited it and all that comes with it, including a well stocked Guild Hall, when everyone else left. As it turns out this was the turning point in my life. Left alone in a huge Guild Hall with on a Merchant and a Dye Trader to talk to can do things to a Girl.
So I pulled up my Fish-net Tights (As this was the fashion at the time) and went out and got level 20. Chareeth Erizan was a passing interest at the time but with the advent of Amsorn Redstorm, Chareeth joined the guild. Two other members soon followed - Turia Darthlin and Aryan Bloodlace. All four hold the rank of officer and as trusted guild members I am happy for them to recruit at will. However I rule with an Iron Fist and if you are not seen online in four weeks you will be evicted for the guild. I like to think of myself as harsh but fair.
The pic is of Me, Chareeth and Spunky back where it all began.Remember "A guild that Plays together stays together."
Doc Curses
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