Sunday, 29 July 2007

Longtime no post.

Things have been a little quite on the posting front, so I thought I'd bash out a quick post. For those who don't keep up with the news, there's a mission pack called "Eye of the North" being released soon. It's available for pre-order now at the ridiculous price of £3.49. Pre-ordering gives you access to the weekend preview on the 24th of August. This seems too cheap to me, and I suspect that I've just coughed up money for the privilege of being able to access the sneak-peek weekend, not the actual mission pack... I'll let you know if I find out more.
I'd suggest a meeting that weekend to hit Eye of the North and see how much new stuff we can collect. Maybe on the Saturday or Sunday morning (British time).
I'll try to make myself available.

For those people in the Guild who wonder why they never see me online, it's because I live in Australia, and so am hitting the game servers when most of you guys are tucked up warm in bed. I'm seeking to remedy this by inviting a few Aussies and Kiwis into the Guild. You'll probably be able to pick the Kiwis out by the propensity to call everyone Bro'.

Cheers ears.

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