Chareeth is mainly devoted to pyromancy and likes nothing better than to sit by side of a nicely burning Jungle Troll of an evening, singing campfire songs. In Cantha though, Chareeth has had to expand his repertoire to include some geomancy spells as a number of the enemies there seem to be covered with some sort of fire retardant material.
Kim, as an assassin likes stabbing things repeatedly, poisoning creatures and retreating to a safe distance to watch them turn green and fall over. She's currently saving up for some max armour to help stop her targets fighting back.
Jingo doesn't get out much and is still cruising around the newbie island chopping up plants and skales. Currently she's working to infiltrate some bizarre cult on the island and killing harpies. She had an unfortunate incident at birth which has resulted in her having a head of nasty looking straw coloured hair, as a result she'll never take of her hood.
And there you have it, the Erizan clan.
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