Monday, 30 April 2007
Birthday Treats
I managed to snag 1 birthday cake, and have enough victory tokens to buy another thanks to playing "Tag the Hatchling" on the Shing Jea boardwalk, so I've got a spare if needed.
I'll try and get my characters intro up this week before I go away, no promises though. I'm a lazy feck in case it hasn't been noticed yet. :)
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Guild of Domination
There are some changes in game as well, you will notice our faction has hit 350k + this is because all the guild alliance points gets pooled together, game wise this doesn't add much for those of you without Factions, and i think it needs to get higher before those with factions will notice any different (please comment if you know more details).
On the guild screen (pressing G) you can now see the other guilds and their contributions and for a small guild i think we are doing fine. On this screen you will also be able to enter the guild halls of the other guilds, most of them seem to have all the additions (trainers, various merchants etc.).
You will also notice gold text appearing in the speech area, this is alliance chat, from what i have seen they all seem to be very friendly, in fact this seems to be the main rule on the forum 'BE NICE' which i know is no problem for us!
Any way enjoy the game and see you all soon
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Friday, 27 April 2007
Whats In A Name

André Toulon is a puppet maker and the best of the kind. One day he happens upon an old Egyptian formula able to create life, so he decides to give life to his puppets. The Nazis seek to use this knowledge to their advantage and in desperation, Toulon commits suicide. Some years later four psychics get on the trail of a former colleague who suddenly commits suicide, and they decide to investigate the mansion he killed himself in. Along with his widow, they uncover the secrets of the Puppet Master.
Puppet maker Andre Toulon shoots himself at the Bodega Bay Inn before his Secret of Life can be stolen by the Nazis. 50 years later in 1989 the secret is discovered by Neil Gallagher. Soon he sends messages to his psychic friends Alex Whitaker, Dana Hadley, Frank Forrester and Carissa Stamford who arrive to find his wife Megan who claims Neil to be dead. As the night goes by, the murderous puppets are awakened and unleashed on the group, only for them to discover that evil comes in all sizes.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Mistress of the Puppeteers

My Name is Lillith Darkholm, I was born in Tyria, a Year ago today and have travelled around 80% of my home land. I have also enjoyed jaunts to deserts of Elona and the warren of streets and alleys that make up Cantha. I enjoy questing alone or with Amsorn Redstorm, Chareeth Erizan or the other officers of the guild. I also Love to beat up on the Luxons and have a hankering for a guild battle.
My interests include:
Raising the Dead, Designing Capes, Travel, Monitoring the Guild, My pet Wolf Spunky, Origami and Dancing the Monster Mash.
I share the views of Amsorn Redstorm when it comes to new members - I will be happy to help out either as a body guard, a runner, a bank or as a shop. For some reason I keep all the junk I salvage with no real reason other than to pass on to the needy.
As for the guild itself I can not take full credit for it. I was an Officer in the guild and then somehow inherited it and all that comes with it, including a well stocked Guild Hall, when everyone else left. As it turns out this was the turning point in my life. Left alone in a huge Guild Hall with on a Merchant and a Dye Trader to talk to can do things to a Girl.
So I pulled up my Fish-net Tights (As this was the fashion at the time) and went out and got level 20. Chareeth Erizan was a passing interest at the time but with the advent of Amsorn Redstorm, Chareeth joined the guild. Two other members soon followed - Turia Darthlin and Aryan Bloodlace. All four hold the rank of officer and as trusted guild members I am happy for them to recruit at will. However I rule with an Iron Fist and if you are not seen online in four weeks you will be evicted for the guild. I like to think of myself as harsh but fair.
The pic is of Me, Chareeth and Spunky back where it all began.Remember "A guild that Plays together stays together."
Doc Curses
Things worth knowing.
First off, it has maps of Tyria, Elona and Cantha, which are invaluable. I've got the map of Tyria downloaded on my machine, and I load this up in Paint.Net (a free art package that's well worth downloading) before doing any exploring in that area. It makes finding specific locations a hell of a lot easier.
Secondly, it has listings of the missions, with explanations of what needs to be done to get the bonus for each one, and maps for some of them too. It's worth checking this out before you start a mission to make sure you aren't running around blindly, I tend to keep a browser window open while I'm playing so that I can tab back and forth to check my progress.
There's also a load of info about armour, skills etc etc.
Guild Wiki has a useful list of Builds and how to use them to get the most out of your characters offensive/defensive capabilities, as well as builds for specific missions. Builds, for those not in the know, are sets of skills chosen to work well together.
Two more things.
First if you fancy getting yourself a mini-pet, check this page out:-
for details. Guild Wars recently announced that they are working on a proper expansion set for GW, as well as Guild Wars 2. To celebrate this, they are releasing mini-pets via certain magazines. PC Zone is the one in the UK (and is a damned good mag as well), and goes on sale today. So check the list, get a mag, and get your mini-pet.
Secondly, there's an event going on this weekend, as Guild Wars Prophecies celebrates it's second birthday, and Factions it's first birthday. Check out the Guild Wars site for details.
Monday, 23 April 2007

Well here he is, handsome, feisty and well brown.
Amsorn Redstorm, my warrior monk is my main character, he is a Tyrian by birth, but got fed up with the dust and filth of Ascalon, so he spends most of his time in Cantha and Elona.
I finally got my first title this weekend thanks to the double Sunspear points promotion, and I am now the loft rank of Sunspear Castellan, and well on my way to being a Spearmarshal.
I like to participate in Allaince Battles either on my own or with the guild (especially the mighty minion master Lilith) (have to be extra nice she is the guild leader!). I am also working my way through all three campaigns as and when the fancy takes me.
I am happy to play bodyguard for any of the up and coming members if they need help or advice, so just post me here and I will see if I can help. I also have loads of spare items and weapon upgrades if you want them , again just post me.
Looking forward to trying to reach Camp Rankor next week as I desperately want my first Elite skill (Battle Rage).
Catcha lata
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Run to Camp Rankor

I might be available next weekend for a while, however, the weekend after that, I'll be flying to South America, and will definitely not be logging on to play for the next 3 weekends. The 26th/27th of May is the next time I'm likely to be free to play for a long period for this sort of run. Is anyone else keen to set a date for running to Camp Rankor? We can obviously talk about it closer to the time.
In other news, this weekend there are double Sunspear points available for those running in Elona, check the login page for details.
Catch yas all later!
UPDATE: More info on the "Droknar Run"
I can't believe that they reckon it'll only take 20 minutes to do it.
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Masters of Puppeteers!
I've just created a Blog type home page for the Masters of Puppeteers Guild Wars Guild. We'll be able to post pictures, news, events etc here whenever we want. I am your host CodeMonkey, AKA Chareeth/Kim/Jingo Erizan in Guild Wars.
The other guild captains can introduce themselves as and when they get their acts together and get Google accounts so I can add them as editors.
In the meantime, play nice!